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    - Regarding the subject of the draft country, each country group will make a critical and analytical reading of the tensions and conflicts within and between states, their interests and actions of other international actors, assessing the implications and its effects on health; - Regarding the issue of national project, each country group make a proposal on how they should intervenirse tensions, crises or conflicts in favor of achieving social justice and ensure the right to health.
    - Become familiar with the rationale of the social determinants of health (SDH) and their potential for designing public policies, taking WHO and PAHO work proposals into consideration; - Identify the principles of social justice, health equity, human rights and their relationship as key values for SDH interventions; - Identify structural and intermediary mechanisms underlying health inequities in population groups and territories, as a basis for public policy actions; - Recognize the need for a comprehensive, intersectoral and participatory approach towards understanding and taking actions on SDH.